The Impact of Company Culture
Zuzana Heferová | 24. 10. 2024

Company culture – a key aspect that not every candidate may realize at the start of the recruitment process, but it often plays a crucial role in our happiness, work quality, long-term functioning, communication, and everything around us. Thanks to a safe work environment and a positive atmosphere, we are able to eliminate the risks of emerging frustration or feelings of burnout, which lead to the turnover of quality employees. Money doesn't always bring 100% happiness. So, let's take a closer look at it. 🔎
If we quickly ask ChatGPT to calculate the time we spend at work, we get the following figures:
- We spend ⅓ of our lives at work
- About 2,000 hours a year at the same place
- Over the course of a career, we work about 90,000 hours (assuming we work between ages 20 and 65)
In the remaining ⅓ dedicated to free time (the other third belongs to sleep), we try to fully devote ourselves to our families, relationships with loved ones, fun, and hobbies. Yet, the quality of our work environment directly affects our behavior after we close the office doors and step into the remaining third of our time.

Let's dive into some research. For example, Chad Hartnell (2019) tested the hypothesis of whether company culture has a real impact on work efficiency. An analysis of over 140 studies leads to the conclusion that the level of organizational culture has a similarly crucial impact on work efficiency as organizational leadership.
Now, a little personal experience. In my life, I've always been fortunate to work in organizations built on strong foundations focused on collaboration and a friendly atmosphere. Each organization gave me something slightly different. And how do I feel after a year and a half of working at UX Fans s.r.o.? Honestly, deep gratitude and amazement at how a workplace can function. The UX Fans family is worth its weight in gold to me.
So far, I have not experienced such a strong connection, support, and teamwork, both in professional and personal life. Despite diverse personalities, we can meet project deadlines together, help each other, support and boost confidence when faced with new and unknown challenges, rack up tens of kilometers in company races, and be a pillar of support to colleagues all day long. Sure, misunderstandings and conflicts sometimes arise, but when we look for solutions, it always moves the team forward. This, to me, is a culture that needs to be nurtured. 🫶
When we feel supported and respected, we bring the best of ourselves to work. This benefits personal growth for individual employees and success for the whole company. In a safe environment, people feel motivated, respected, and therefore willingly share their ideas and contribute to achieving shared goals.
We're all in the same boat ⛵
Thank you ♡
Sources: Hartnell, C. A., Ou, A. Y., Kinicki, A. J., Choi, D., & Karam, E. P. (2019). A meta-analytic test oforganizationalculture’sassociationwithelementsofanorganization’ssystem and itsrelativepredictive validity on organizationaloutcomes. Journalofapplied psychology, 104(6), 832.