Company relay
We run 250 Český ráj!

It's no secret that our team is very sportsmanlike and full of talent. And so, for the second year, we are participating in the 250 Český ráj race, which takes place on 26-27 May 2023. Eight members of UX Fans will run 250 kilometers together, roughly 3×10 each. With enthusiasm, for fun, but most of all with commitment. As we do everything. We asked our competitors a few questions to find out how prepared they are for the race.
Last few days until the race, how much have you run this year?
- Valy: This year I enjoyed cross-country skiing while I could, so I started running later. So I have around 200 km in the bag.
- Škoďák: Only 200 km so far :(
- Vitton: 412 km.
- Bombis: 580 km.
- Kryštof: According to our tables, half as much as others.
- Bježíš: Little, 1357 km.
- Petr: 300 km.
- Gräfik: Not much… I run around 30 km a week.
How do you feel? Have you competed in any preparatory races?
- Valy: The 250 test section was kind of a small company race, I didn't get to other races. If you don't count Jizerská 50. :)
- Škoďák: Better and better with every run. So far, I've only done one bike race and ran the Vratislavický Běhoun, where it was up and down, so hopefully it will be good preparation for the 250 😊.
- Vitton: It is okay, but it could always be a little bit better.
- Bombis: Slightly stretched groin, but that will be ok! Sure, Prague Marathon!
- Kryštof: I was in one double race in orienteering. I feel great.
- Bježíš: I have run the race Běh Kalichem where I had a delicious sausage and then cheered a lot. So I feel great.
- Petr: I only completed the test section. I feel fantastic as usual.
- Gräfik: None yet this year. It will be a baptism of fire.
What are you most looking forward to in the 250 CR and what are you worried about?
- Valy: I'm only concerned about whether the body will last until the finish line.
- Škoďák: I'm looking forward to the team atmosphere, handovers, night sections and the battle with other teams. I'm mainly worried about the final longest section, so that I don't stiffen up and lose valuable minutes at the end.
- Vitton: I'm looking forward to it when I'm at the finish line of my third leg
- Bombis: The night sections will be great :) Fear is the enemy of speed! 🚀
- Kryštof: I'm looking forward to the beer, hopefully it will not be too much of it.
- Bježíš: I'm looking forward to the night section. Since it goes around ponds, maybe I'll be lucky with waterfowl. I hope that I won't have to go to the hospital to our childbirth during the race.
- Petr: I'm looking forward to a beer after the last leg. I have no worries.
- Gräfik: 2 sections can usually be managed easily. I'm afraid of the third one, that's usually where it gets tough.
How do you guess the placement of UX Fans?
- Valy: Last year we didn't make it into the TOP10, this year I believe it will work out. On paper, we could aim higher, but the 250 is unpredictable.
- Škoďák: Fight for the podium.
- Vitton: Realistically 3rd place but I believe there is a chance for the second place as well.
- Bombis: TOP 5 should happen!
- Kryštof: Clear win :)
- Bježíš: 3rd place.
- Petr: High.
- Gräfik: We win!